Technical Report. What is it and what does it contain?

You’ve heard about technical reports, but you don’t know what they are, what they contain or what they are for, well, keep reading to answer all of your questions.

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Francisco Joaquín Jiménez González. Arquitecto Colegiado. Know More

Published the  13/04/2022

What is a technical report?

A technical report is the written statement of the circumstances observed in the examination of the issue under consideration, with detailed explanations that certify what was said.

The technical certificate is a document issued by the Architect, which ensures the truth of a fact and/or circumstance related to the building and/or land.

Its main function is to attest to a specific fact or circumstance, usually related to a property or plot.

It is a descriptive document that is based on what has been observed or analyzed, no technical opinion on the facts is included in its content.

Among the examples of Technical Certificates we can mention the Final Certificates of Work, Energy Efficiency, age, etc.

What does a technical report contain?

The content of a Technical Expert Report of a Property will be the following:

  • Background and purpose of the report: Where the following data is indicated:
    • Personal data of the technical writer of the report: at least name, surnames, NIF, degree and collegiate number.
    • Personal data of the person who commissions the report: name, surnames and NIF or NIE.
    • Address of the property to be inspected: if possible, it is also convenient to indicate the Cadastral Reference of the property.
    • Reason for the Report: small title or brief description.
  • Basis: All the documents that have been provided to us for the realization of the property are indicated, as well as those that we have made ourselves, such as the realization of a Photographic Report, Tastings in the property, blueprints. Always in a totally impartial way, we will limit ourselves to enumerating and describing them.
  • Technical evaluations: Here each pathology, damage or element of the Technical Report of a Property is described one by one depending on what it is.
  • Conclusions: These must be based in the first place on the applicable Legal Rules and Codes and for those elements in which this is not possible or is a little doubtful, we can base it on our own experience and expertise as expert technicians on the subject.
  • Annexes: Here there may be a large number of Documents Attached to the Technical Report, the most usual or common are:
    • Photographic Report: As long as we have had access to the property object of the Report.
    • Writing: If it has been provided to us, a simple copy is normally sufficient.
    • Cadastral record of the Property.
    • Measurement and Budget of the referenced action.
    • Blueprints.
    • Essays o Tastings.
    • Various documentation: Such as technical documents written by companies or other technicians, municipal documents such as licenses, testimonials from locals in the area, etc.

How is a technical report prepared?

Once all of the above is known, we would be ready to write our Technical Report following the following scheme:

  1. Identify the intervening agents and the element or property on which the technician will report, which will normally be:
    1. The person who performs the order.
    2. The technician who makes the report.
    3. The property or plot in question.
    4. Any other person or entity involved in the report.
  2. Inspection of the Property that we will carry out to analyze the elements of the same on which the corresponding report is issued, this analysis will be described in the most detailed way, as well as with data that can be extracted from files, such as cadastre, town halls, registries or documents provided by the property.
  3. Technical Assessments that will be carried out during the inspection or that will be reached in the drafting phase where the technician will reflect all of the deficiencies or anomalies that have been detected.
  4. Conclusions or Final Opinion, the most important part of the report and where the report will give a, as its own word indicates, conclusive opinion on the matter being resolved.

Parts of the technical report. Technical report model.

A Technical Report has some guidelines and general points that must always be followed, that structure of the Report is established as follows:

Initial part:

  • Cover with a Cover
  • Resume
  • Index
  • Glossary (it’s Optional)
  • Preface (Also Optional)

Body of the report or body of the text:

  • Introduction
  • Core of the Report
  • Conclusions and recommendations
  • Gratitudes
  • List of References


  • Photo report
  • Graphic documents
  • Other documents

Final part:

  • Data Sheets, Lists…
  • Back Cover

This scheme is highly designed for company technical reports, with adequate and detailed information for scientific work rather than for Expert Technical Reports.


Now that you know what they are for and the importance of the technical reports when making certificates or other types of documents, get in touch with us, Leukos Architecture, through our contact form or our telephone numbers.

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